No matter how small, weak, frail, or fragile… every innocent human is created equal and owns an inalienable and God-given right to life — that’s self-evident — and we the people ought to govern accordingly.
- Fair-minded folks can argue about HOW to best protect persons in differing circumstances, and we can potentially experiment with different mechanisms for deterrence based on those various circumstances, but in the end our goal must be to do what is reasonably necessary to protect every innocent human life.
- IFFC aims to win the hearts and minds of voters and grow the pro-life team. If and when voters tell their legislators to end abortion — it will be done. But until we have a loud and legitimate majority, innocent unborn babies will continue to die. We must win hearts and minds and that end is our current focus.
- A heart-wrenching 63 million innocent unborn babies have been extinguished by abortionists since 1973 in the U.S. — Iowa contributes roughly 4,000 per year.
- Please pray for us, for babies, and also pray for our enemies. We just want the killing of unborn babies to stop.